Colin Hay Washington Tickets & Tour Dates

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Colin Hay Tickets in Washington

Colin Hay tour in the Washington

Colin Hay at Lincoln Theatre – DC Washington on 4 April 2020

The well-known singer / songwriter and singer of the Australian rock band Men at be in, Colin Hay, is touring in the Washington at Lincoln Theatre – DC upon 4 April 2020, beginning in the first quarter of 2020.

Although Colin Hay’s art is commendable in imitation of Men at play a role, the Scottish-Australian singer-songwriter has developed a solo musical career. back his coming on upon the music scene in the late 1970s, he has released a total of thirteen solo albums, including his first album Looking For Jack (1987) and his latest musical allow, Fierce Mercy Ironically. The music and the career of Colin Hay were realized thanks to the actor / producer Zach Braff, who presented Hay Scrubs in many episodes of his performing arts series at the extremely popular hospital, is a revival.

Now 66, he is ready to reward to the streets for a solo tour that will take him to spring.

Vip tickets and premium seating tickets for Colin Hay Washington tour upon sale!

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Details about Event

DATE:4 April 2020

LOCATION:Washington, DC, US

VENUE:Lincoln Theatre - DC

ADDRESS:1215 U St Nw